What is Junior Academy? Junior Academy is a learn-to-figure skate program. The curriculum for this program has been developed by our own coaches for skaters to build a solid foundation for long term success in the sport of figure skating. Skaters will work on basic skating skills, turns and transitions, performance/presentation, jumps, spins, field movements and much more! Typically a skater will come on the ice and warm-up for several minutes, performing basic skating skills, after that they will begin their instruction time with the coach(es) followed by a creative skating or free time. Note: at the end of every session, skaters are asked to bow / curtsy to their audience. We invite you to cheer and applaud their hard work.
Junior Academy is not a Learn to Skate program. Skaters enrolled must have completed some CanSkate lessons or have developed skating skills (forward and backward skating, turning, stopping). If you have any questions if this is the correct program for your skater, please email pgfsc@telus.net
- EMAIL is our main form of communication. Please keep an eye on your email for important information from the PGFSC or the coaches.
- Website: www.pgfsc.ca
- Facebook – search Prince George Figure Skating Club and like us
- Instagram – @pgskating Find us and like us!
- Bulletin Board & Handouts – we will send letters and notices home from time to time and then they will get posted on the bulletin board(s). Currently our bulletin board is set up just inside Kin 2 near the PGFSC office.
JAN - MAR 2025 Registration Information & Schedule Select Here: JUNIOR ACADEMY - JAN- MAR 2025
****All programs are subject to city ice allocation (if there are changes it is expected they will be minor)****
****All programs are subject to registration****